Level 3 Early Years Educator (Apprenticeship)

Early Years Educators, and other job roles such as nursery nurse and childminders, are highly trained professionals who play a key role in ensuring that young children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe.
They work in a range of settings including full day care, children’s centers, preschools, reception classes and as childminders.
They may either be working on their own or supervising others to deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) requirements set by Government for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old.
Course Information
- To be able to gain a satisfactory Data Barring Service (DBS)
- To ideally hold a Level 2 qualification or equivalent
- Individuals ideally have Grade C/4 in English and Maths or hold a Level 2 in Functional Skills. If this isn’t the case, you will study Functional Skills Level 2 alongside.
The EPA consists of:
- Observation of practice with a Q&A session
- Portfolio Professional Discussion
- Upon successful completion apprentices are graded: Pass or Distinction
This course will provide you with understanding in multiple areas of childcare including:
- Child-initiated and adult led activities supporting the needs and interests of each child
- Supporting the learning of language and numeracy
- Responsibly ensure each child feels safe and secure
- A range of underpinning theories as to how children learn and develop
- The importance of children’s development of speech, language and communication in personal, social, emotional and physical development
- How to prepare children through transitions and significant life events.
On successful completion, apprentices will be eligible for the following roles:
- Qualified Early Years Educator
- Playgroup Leader
- Learning Mentor
- Assessor / Trainer
- Childminder
- Special Educational Support Worker
- Assistant Manager / Manager